We have the absolute pleasure of speaking to Wade Driver about music.
There is no need to introduce Wade Driver. He is square dance. We were enthusiastic about his professionalism, his knowledge and his absolutely positive attitude.
That square dance can be more – you remember our episode 005 – he confirmed and delivered a whole host of tips and information. All callers will sing a singing call after hearing this episode – but it will sound different!
Diese Folge ist in englisch, da wir das absolute Vergnügen haben, mit Wade Driver über Musik zu sprechen.
Wade Driver muss man nicht vorstellen. Er ist Square Dance. Seine Professionalität, sein Wissen und seine absolut positive Einstellung haben uns begeistert.
Dass Square Dance mehr sein kann – ihr erinnert euch an unsere Folge 005 – hat er bestätigt und gleich ein ganzes Feuerwerk an Tipps und Informationen geliefert. Alle Caller werden nach dem Hören dieser Folge einen Singing Call singen – aber er wird anders klingen!

- We need to put more emphasis to dancing
- The dancing changed over the time. In the 50ties the dancing was faster. Todays music is slower and smoother, so is the square dancing today.
- Age – stay young or become old
- Like a DJ in radio, control the emotions of the music
- Presentation of music is important in combination of teaching the dancers how to dance
- Function of Downbeat and Upbeat. Downbeat is like the motor of your car. Upbeat is the transmission in your car. The type of music gives you the feel.
- Choosing the music for a clubnight
- Guide the emotion of your music along a sign wave
- Balance the patter with singing calls regarding the degree of difficulty
- “think less, smile more”
- What are the main reasons picking a song for recording?
- Only if you can use a piece of music, it does not mean that you should 😉
- Rocky Mountain Music – need 5 years to find the arrangement, that works
- We have to have the strong beat in our square dance music. It helps. It helps the dancer to dance better.
- Research before recording a song
- Is there a emotion or a story behind choosing a song?
- Getting creative – example: “Beautiful Noise”, “Square Dance is over, Gold Rush is on”
- Rhythm International and the why of showcase japanese female Callers
- All have the same like and dislikes in music in all parts of the world.
- Callerschool “How to perform a singing call in the best way”
- Pop in Pop music stands for popular. Why it is popular? Because the artists makes a good job.
- SSD and entertainment
- Sing the Calls in Singing Calls
- Using Live musicians and expenses
- costs quadrupled over the last years.
- Sound Rhythm Records sound different, if a record costs 50 dollar. The answer was no.
- Buy new music, for example Rhythm Records, but also support the other labels 😉
- http://www.rhythmrecords.biz
- http://www.musicforcallers.com to find all the other lables
- The dancers pay you every time you call, reward them by giving them something new as often than you can.
Hallo Peter, hallo Martin,
wie immer eine sehr interessante Folge.
Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße
Gut session, do you have any others en English? Would like to listen to them.